Location and Directions:
14101 S. Hwy 3, Callahan CA 96014
6.8 miles from 1561.3 PCT mile marker (Scott Pass)
We are conveniently located on California’s Highway 3, just 35 minutes from Interstate-5. To reach us, google “Regeneration Base Camp, Callahan CA 96014” or follow the directions below.
Average Driving Times:
15 minutes from Etna
45 minutes from Mt Shasta City or Yreka
1.25 hours from Ashland, OR
2 hours from Redding
4 hours from Sacramento, CA or Eugene, OR
5 hours from San Francisco
Northbound from Redding etc on Interstate 5:
take exit 751 (just N of the town of Weed) and follow old route 99 North to Gazelle. In the middle of the small town you’ll make a left turn towards Callahan and follow the Gazelle/Callahan rd for 25 miles until it becomes Highway 3. Keep heading North, towards Callahan and 200 yards later you will find us on your left at 14101 S. Hwy 3, Callahan CA 96014.
Southbound from Medford/Ashland:
take exit 773 in Yreka and follow the signs to join southbound Highway 3 to Weaverville. After 41 miles of beautiful mountain vistas and easy valley driving, you will reach the town of Callahan. Keep going South and 1 mile later you will turn right at 14101 S. Hwy 3 into the Regeneration Base Camp. There is a large road sign on the south side of the entrance that says “3 South to Weaverville - next left.” If you reach this intersection, make a U turn and come back to the Regeneration Base Camp.